Elegant black dress with oriental embroidery and luxurious touches, ideal for upscale events and distinctive looks.
Luxurious black dress with Eastern embroidery and fur trim, perfect for upscale occasions.
Luxurious black dress with oriental embroidery and fur-trimmed sleeves, ideal for elegant occasions.
Elegant black gown with Eastern embroidery and luxurious touches, perfect for upscale events.
Luxurious black dress with Eastern embroidery and fur-trimmed wide sleeves, perfect for upscale occasions.
Size chart for luxury black dress with Eastern embroidery and fur accents, suitable for formal occasions.
Luxurious black dress with Eastern embroidery and shiny embellishments on flowing fabric.
Luxurious black dress with Eastern embroidery and wide fur-trimmed sleeves, ideal for upscale European occasions.

فستان أسود فاخر بتطريزات شرقية ولمسات فاخرة

336.99SAR 205.94SAR

Color: black


size: S

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فستان طويل بتصميم أنيق يجمع بين الزخارف الشرقية الفاخرة والتطريزات اللامعة على قماش أسود انسيابي. يتميز بأكمام واسعة مزينة بالفرو لمظهر فاخر، مع تفاصيل مطرزة بدقة تعزز من جاذبيته. خيار مثالي للمناسبات الراقية والإطلالات المميزة.