Elegant long loose dress with floral sleeves, solid color, available in rose red and white.
Solid color loose dress with floral adorned sleeves in various colors hanging on a rack.
Solid color loose dress with floral embellished sleeves, elegant and comfortable for women.
Loose floral-sleeve dress in blue and green, solid color, pleated design, large size option.
Elegant long loose dress with floral sleeves, available in yellow and black, ideal for sophisticated occasions.
Long loose dress with flower-adorned sleeves and pleats in orange and wine red colors.
Solid color pleated fabric dresses in various vibrant shades.
Elegant loose dress with floral embellished sleeves, solid color, pressed pleats, ideal for occasions.
Solid color long loose dresses with floral adorned sleeves in various colors hanging on display.
Loose floral sleeve dress with pressed pleats, available in solid colors.
Elegant loose dress with floral sleeve accents in solid color.
Elegant green dress with floral embellished transparent sleeves, featuring a loose fit and diagonal pattern.
Loose-fitting orange dress with floral embellished sheer sleeves for an elegant look.
Elegant loose dress with floral embellished sleeves, lightweight fabric, available in various colors, ideal for upscale occasions.
Women's long loose red dress with floral decorated sleeves.
Solid color long loose dress with floral detailed sleeves, elegant and modern design.
Elegant floral sleeve loose dress in solid color with pleats, suitable for various occasions.
Elegant loose dress with floral embellished sheer sleeves, ideal for modern chic occasions.
loose purple dress with floral embellished sleeves in modern setting
Elegant loose fit dress with floral sleeve details in solid color.
Solid color long loose dress with floral sleeve details, suitable for elegant occasions.
Solid color dress with floral decorated sleeves, loose fit, pleated design, elegant for occasions.
Elegant long loose dress with floral embellished transparent sleeves in solid color.
Elegant loose dress with floral-accented sleeves, perfect for sophisticated occasions.
Elegant loose dress with floral embellished sleeves, solid color, perfect for chic occasions.
Elegant solid color long dress with floral sleeves, pressed pleats, and a loose fit.
Wide dress with flower-adorned sleeves in solid color and pleated pattern, perfect for elegant occasions.
Elegant loose dress with floral adorned sleeves, lightweight fabric, perfect for occasions.
Elegant long loose dress with floral embellished sleeves in solid color.
Solid color long loose dress with floral sleeve details, women’s fashion.

فستان واسع بأكمام مزينة بالورود

318.26SAR 198.00SAR

Color: Peacock blue

Peacock blue
Red wine
rose Red
Royal blue
Positive red
Light blue
Dark purple

size: One size

One size
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تاريخ التوصيل المحتمل بين و

وصف المنتج

فستان أنيق بقصة فضفاضة مريحة، يتميز بأكمام شفافة مزينة بورود بارزة لإضافة لمسة أنثوية راقية. مصنوع من قماش خفيف بنقشة مائلة تضفي لمسة من الأناقة العصرية، ومتوفر بألوان متنوعة تناسب مختلف الأذواق. مثالي للمناسبات والإطلالات اليومية الراقية.